Professional standards framework

Our professional standards framework is integral to the quality of engineering in Australia.

The Engineers Australia Professional Standards Framework is an integrated system of policies, processes and resources that guide and support engineers to practice ethically, competently and responsibly.

It applies throughout their careers from student through to advanced practice and executive management and leadership.

The framework is relevant for professional engineers, engineering technologists and engineering associates.

Why we have a framework

Our framework is designed to set, uphold and enhance standards that protect the community, help consumers understand what is expected of engineering professionals, and to build trust in the profession.

It guides the career development of engineering professionals throughout their employment and provides the basis of professional accountability for Engineers Australia members.

The framework underpins the processes for state registration and supports the requirements for nationally consistent registration of engineers.

It also improves the mobility of engineering professionals by ensuring that accreditation and professional practice standards meet those set out in the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) Accords and Agreements.

What the framework covers

The framework has five key areas:

The Engineers Australia Code of Ethics is one of the most important elements of the framework. It defines the values and principles against which our members should exercise their judgement in engineering practice.

Engineers Australia competency standards exist at three levels or stages for each of the occupational categories; entry to practice, independent practice and expert practice.

The currency of credentials awarded by assessments against the competency standards is maintained through continuing professional development (CPD) and periodic CPD audits for all Chartered and registered members.

Some elements of the framework set baseline competencies expected of a proficient engineer and others support engineers to attain higher levels of performance than the baseline.

The framework includes engineering practice guides and other resources related to professional knowledge, practice and engagement. This includes the Engineers Australia Capability Framework, Program Endorsement Framework and the Professional Performance, Innovation and Risk Protocol.

Our complaints process deals with complaints about members who have been alleged to have breached the code of ethics.

These quality assurance mechanisms work together to ensure the framework remains current, relevant and robust: 

  • Periodic reviews against the requirements of the IEA’s three Accords and four Agreements.  
  • Quality assurance audits and reviews. 
  • Continuous improvement. 
  • Oversight by the Engineers Australia Professional Standards Committee.  
  • Future alignment and compliance with ISO 9001
Explore the framework

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Professional standards framework cover
Engineers Australia | August 2023

Professional standards framework

The Engineers Australia Professional Standards Framework is the integrated system of policies, processes and resources that guide and support engineers to practice engineering ethically, competently and responsibly. It applies throughout their careers from pre-qualification through to advanced practice and executive management and leadership and is designed to set, uphold and enhance standards that protect the public and build resilience and trust in the profession.