National Committee for Engineering Associates and Technologists

The National Committee for Engineering Associates and Technologists (NCEAT) represents the interests of the two occupational categories of engineering associate and engineering technologist.

The roles of engineering technologists and engineering associates are essential to the wider engineering team, which also comprises professional engineers.

NCEAT identifies strategies and makes recommendations to the Engineers Australia Board to address the specific needs of engineering associates and technologists. This includes a three-year rolling plan aligned to Engineers Australia’s strategic priorities.

In addition, the committee:

  • Liaises with and provides support to the college boards, divisions and technical societies about activities to support engineering associates and technologists.
  • Communicates with the cohort to identify their ongoing needs and direct them to the right people to help them.
  • Arranges events and other activities aligned to the NCEAT plan which might not be met through other channels.
  • Identifies common issues and liaise with Engineers Australia staff about resolutions.

Visit the occupational categories page to learn more about the roles of engineering associates and technologists.

Email us or call 1300 653 113 if you have any questions.


The NCEAT committee is run elected representatives. Current committee members are: 

  • George Scott TFIEAust CEngT EngExec – Chair
  •  CPO David Osborn AMIEAust CEngA NER – Deputy Chair
  • Adam Berwick AFIEAust CEngA NER
  • Leon Gower AMIEAust CEngA NER
  • Andrew Kennedy AMIEAust
  • Robert Ladd AFIEAust CEngA EngExec NER 
  • Errol Milevskiy TFIEAust CEngT EngExec NER 
  • Lejan Palackathrappil GradAIEAust
  • GPCAPT Ross Magno AFIEAust CEngA EngExec NER – Corresponding Member
  • Greg Walters FIEAust CPEng EngExec NER – Patron

Training and events

We have branches in every state and territory in Australia that deliver CPD to Engineers Australia members and guests with online and in-person training and events.

Visit our learning and events page to see a full list of available CPD opportunities.

Committees and related groups

Engage with us

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Visit our Awards page to learn more about Engineers Australia Excellence Awards.