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473 results
Grey background with red text saying '2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy: Legislative Reforms' in large red brackets
Engineers Australia | March 2024

Australian cyber security strategy: legislative reforms 2023-2030

Engineers Australia offers the view of its expert members on a few alternative approaches the Department of Home Affairs could consider that may streamline cyber security solutions while still effectively addressing the issues.

Two young female engineers looking at a printed report
Engineers Australia | March 2024

National Skills Passport submission

Engineers Australia’s submission provides feedback on the key principles developed by the Department of Education, focusing on how a National Skills Passport would impact the engineering industry.

Grey with navy document symbol
March 2024

Australian New Vehicle Efficiency Standard submission

Engineers Australia supports the introduction of a New Vehicle Efficiency Standard (NVES) and provides advice for Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts on the proposed options for implementing the standard.

Plain light grey background with red text saying 'National water reform inquiry' inside large red brackets
Engineers Australia | February 2024

National Water Reform 2024 Inquiry submission

Engineers Australia's submission to the National Water Reform 2024 inquiry recommends taking an integrated water management approach to achieve desired outcomes and broaden the delivery role of water utilities. This submission was developed in conjunction with members of the Queensland Division Committee, the Queensland Water Panel.

Plain light grey background with red text saying 'Keep Hobart Moving' in red brackets
Transport Australia Society | February 2024

Keeping Hobart Moving submission

The Transport Australia society and Engineers Australia give feedback on the Keeping Hobart Moving – Transport Solutions for Our Future draft plan.

Build your brand toolkit cover
Engineers Australia | February 2024

Build your brand

Make your mark in a competitive field with our tailored resources. These will help unlock your skill sets, advance your career and be recognised for your achievements at every career stage.

Cover of 2022-23 gender pay gap report
Engineers Australia | February 2024

2022-2023 gender pay gap report

Engineers Australia welcomes the Workplace Gender Equality Agency public gender pay gap reporting initiative. The gender pay gap remains a persistent challenge in Australia and across many industries, and we support increased reporting, transparency and accountability as important steps to closing it.

Grey background with red text reading 'growing and sustaining australia's space engineering capability and capacity' inside large red brackets
Space Engineering | February 2024

Space policy advice paper

Engineers Australia’s National Committee on Space Engineering has developed a policy advice paper on Australia’s space engineering capability through the member-delivered policy and advocacy process. 

Grey cover of a submission with red writing inside bold red brackets
Engineers Australia | December 2023

Climate Active Program submission

Engineers Australia fully supports the scheme and endorses the intent of this consultation opportunity to increase the certification standards contained therein. We provide four recommendations for the program to consider.

Engineers Australia accredited programs cover
Engineers Australia | December 2023

Engineers Australia accredited programs

A comprehensive list of Engineers Australia accredited engineering programs from Australian tertiary and VET education providers. This list is updated regularly.

Cover of Engineering profession: statistical overview
Engineers Australia | November 2023

The engineering profession: a statistical overview, 15th edition

This report provides high-level insights about the engineering profession for the period 2016–2021. It contains the empirical data required to make decisions to develop an engineering workforce that will be the backbone of a sustainable, safe and energy efficient future.


This edition is complemented by an interactive dashboard which allows you to explore the data. 

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | November 2023

Response to Intergenerational Equity Bill

Engineers Australia's response for the Inquiry into the Climate Change Amendment (Duty Of Care And Intergenerational Equity) Bill 2023.

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | November 2023

Reducing infrastructure embodied emissions

Engineers Australia acknowledges that addressing embedded and active emissions in the infrastructure sector is a pressing global challenge that requires immediate attention. We advocate that consideration needs to be given to the social, economic and environment costs of climate change on infrastructure as part of managing current and future impacts. This paper was produced through Engineers Australia’s member delivered policy and advocacy initiative.

Cover of the guide to Victorian registration assessment
Engineers Australia | November 2023

How to apply for assessment of qualifications, skills and competencies for Victorian state registration

If you wish to be registered as a Professional Engineer in Victoria under the Professional Engineer Registration Act 2019, you need to have your qualifications, experience and competencies assessed. This document will guide you through the different assessment pathways and show you how to complete your assessment with Engineers Australia.

Victorian state registration self assessment guide cover
Engineers Australia | November 2023

Victorian state registration: Self assessment guide for holistic assessments

This guide has been developed to assist you to self-assess and collate evidence to support a holistic assessment application to demonstrate that your combination of qualifications, experience and competencies are consistent with the Professional Engineer Registration Act 2019 for registration of Professional Engineers in Victoria.

Grey background with red title, reading Shaping SEQ 2023 update,  in large red brakcets
Engineers Australia | October 2023

ShapingSEQ 2023 update submission

Engineers Australia provides this submission to the Queensland Government compiling the thoughts of
leaders in the engineering industry in response to the ShapingSEQ 2023 document. 

aqua background with navy document symbol
Engineers Australia | October 2023

Roadmap to establish an Australian decommissioning industry submission

Engineers Australia highlights that decommissioning is a $60 billion opportunity for Australian industry and workers.

Document with grey background and red text reading 'Annual report'. Six people posing inside of a graphic of a hexagon with red brackets on either side.
Engineers Australia | October 2023

Annual report 2022-23

This annual report on Engineers Australia's performance informs of measurable progress against our strategic priorities, ensures transparent and responsible reporting for governance best practice, summarises the main activities and financial outcomes, and informs stakeholders, partners, media and government of our focus. 

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We work with publishing house Taylor & Francis to publish technical journals and encourage members to submit their own papers.

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